Friday, March 4, 2011


Here's how to do the blog project. Visit an environmental education center (see the link on the right to find one near you) Some are even on or very near campus, but try to visit some around the state if you are able. I will accept experiences from out of state, but check with me first. Don't "recycle" a visit from the past.

Post a blog entry about your visit and include one to three photos. Tell about what you see and learn, about 150 to 200 words. If possible, include yourself in the photo, or at least include some kind of proof that the photos are original, such as something with the date, such as a sign or calendar of the center's events, programs, etc. Show me that you learned something, but make it a fun experience as well!

See the sample post below to get an idea of what I am talking about. Don't worry if you have never used blogger--it is very similar to using an email, and putting in photos is like doing an email attachment.

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