Wednesday, April 13, 2011

North Carolina Zoo!-Meredith Shillinglaw

I went to the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro in April! The zoo is really cool because they have it split into North America, and Africa. Every animal was out at the zoo the Sunday morning I went, except the rhino, so it was definitely an experience for me to see all the animals. "From our very inception, conservation has been central to the mission of the North Carolina Zoo. Within the Park, we work to reduce waste, minimizing our use of natural resources. Regionally, we are involved in initiatives and programs to improve the quality of our environment and the health of our State. Internationally, we work to protect animal habitats and help people understand the value of wild animals and wild places." This is the North Carolina Zoo's conservation statement, which I thought was awesome that they don't only care about the well-being of the animals, but also of the land they're using. I learned a lot at the zoo, but I thought the information about the wolves was very interesting (and appropriate). Wolves travel and kill in packs, and they female is the leader of the pack. Other animals that were awesome included, the otters, seals, polar bear, gorilla, baboons, chimps, and alligators! I absolutely loved my experience at the zoo, and I plan to return in the summer!

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