Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prairie Ridge Ecostation, Josh Kotheimer

So for this assignment I decided to go somewhere I had not yet been. I also decided that I would include my daughter in this learning experience because I think she would get more out of it than myself. Prairie Ridge Ecostation consists of 38.5 acres of old cow pasture. This pasture has been transformed into a variety of habitats including prairie grassland, bottomland forest, ponds and stream.

The Ecostation is actually part of the Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh. This section of the Museum is located on Reedy Creek Rd near the Agronomic Division building.
When we got there we parked next to the sign and map of the area and read a little about the site. Honestly there was not much to see or do at the Prairie Ridge Ecostation. It was mostly just an old pasture that has been turned into a research and educational area. There was a garden in the middle but it was fenced in so you could only walk around and look in. There was also a solar array that provided power for the place. In all I was rather disappointed in the place and ended up taking my daughter to the Arboretum after we left this place.

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