Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Waccatee Zoo

Waccatee Zoo Trip

This past weekend, I went to Myrtle Beach, SC and visited Waccatee Zoo. It was a very unique experience, unlike regular zoos I have visited. I went with my mom, dad, and little brother. When I walked in the place, there were many different venomous snakes from North and South Carolina. Also, peacocks were randomly walking around the zoo. You could literally go right up to them and touch them because they weren't in cages. There were many different animals I learned about, including a zonkey (donkey and zebra mixed) as well as a rabbit that looked like it was mixed with a deer. It looked very weird. There were camels, tigers, and cougars also. The cages that housed the tigers were pretty sketchy. I could walk right up and stick my arm through if I wanted. It seemed dangerous. We bought peanuts and popcorn to feed the animals. The best animals to feed were the baboons because they would do tricks so you would throw them food. Overall, I liked the experience I had.

Edward Chase Cline

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