Friday, April 15, 2011

Rocky branch- sandhya nagaraj

Rocky Branch is an urban creek that runs through the heart of the NC State University campus. The water stream was narrow and suffering from severe erosion, hence NC State University has put into operation a three-phase stream restoration plan to renovate Rocky Branch. This project aims to create a safe and accessible outdoor teaching laboratory. This plan will stabilize the creek; improve water quality, aquatic and wildlife habitat; and merge the creek into the campus environment.

In addition to fixing the creek, they are building a pedestrian underpass at Pullen Road which allows safe passage for pedestrians and wildlife beneath a major thoroughfare. The underpass runs along Pullen park- (which i usually walk through to go to the Pullen park tennis courts), through Paul Derr track, Miller fields, through sullivan drive and connects the City of Raleigh Greenway System. The creek is very pretty is some areas; for example, the area between the miller fields and carmichael gym is restored very well, but the areas close to Paul Derr track is still very foresty.

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